IBAC Shares Condolences for the Loss of Rudy Toering

On behalf of the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) community, we share our heartfelt condolences with friends, colleagues, and the family of the late Rudy Toering, former Canadian Business Aviation Association (CBAA) President and CEO from 2013 to 2018.

IBAC Presents Leo Knaapen with the First François Chavatte Award for Lifetime Service to Business Aviation

The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) is proud to announce the first recipient of the François Chavatte Award: Leo Knaapen of Bombardier. This special recognition honors Mr. Knaapen’s persistent advocacy and promotion of the international business aviation industry. Mr. Knaapen has worked for Bombardier as Chief, Industry Affairs, and has served as representative to the IBAC Governing Board for Industry Partners.

IBAC Announces Women in Corporate Aviation Scholarship Recipients for IS-BAO and IS-BAH Workshops

The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) participated in a virtual Women in Corporate Aviation (WCA) ceremony announcing the recipients of scholarships for the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operators (IS-BAO) and International Standard for Business Aircraft Handling (IS-BAH) workshops. Allison Couch was awarded the IS-BAO workshop and Ameer Mustafa the IS-BAH workshop scholarship.

EBAA Young Ambassadors Launch Tier 1 of Sustainability Label S.T.A.R.S at EBACE2022

The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) and The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) are today highlighting the official launch of the ambitious programme called S.T.A.R.S. – Standards & Training for Aviation Responsibility and Sustainability - at the 2022 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2022), taking place 23-25 May in Geneva, Switzerland.

IBAC Partners with Unmanned Safety Institute (USI) for RPAS Auditor Training

The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) and the Unmanned Safety Institute have announced plans to develop and implement the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) auditor training programme. Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems are quickly becoming part of existing business aviation operations, or as completely new aviation programmes for many companies around the world. In recognition of this growing segment within the business aviation marketplace, IBAC is adapting its safety standard and audit programme to ensure that it will be relevant and applicable to RPAS operations now and in the future. Professionally trained and credentialed auditors will be critical to internal and external assessments of RPAS programmes.

IBAC Supports Women in Corporate Aviation with IS-BAO and IS-BAH Workshop Scholarships

The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) announced the offering of two scholarships for the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operators (ISBAO) and International Standard for Business Aircraft Handling (IS-BAH) workshops. Submissions for applications are being accepted at the Women in Corporate Aviation (WCA) website with a membership login, and ends 25 March 2022.

IBAC Welcomes Steven Abreu-Hill to the IS-BAH Team and Expresses Gratitude to Lawrence “Fletch” Fletcher for His Ten Years

The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) is welcoming industry professional Steven Abreu-Hill to the International Standard for Business Aircraft Handling (IS-BAH™) as the new Audit Manager. In addition, IBAC thanks Lawrence “Fletch” Fletcher who will be retiring this year after ten years of serving in audit manager roles for both IS-BAH and IS-BAO Programmes.

IBAC Marks 20th Anniversary for IS-BAO Programme – Welcomes New Standards Board Members and Prepares First Standard Revision Since 2018

The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) conducted virtually its annual International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO™) Standards Board meeting last week, welcoming new 2022 board members, Chris Tran, Australia Business Aviation Association (ABAA), and Tariq Alsaeed, Middle East and North Africa Business Aviation Association (MEBAA) and will commemorate the launch of the IS-BAO Programme in 2002.

IBAC Supports ICAO High-Level Conference on Covid-19 Declaration to Address Global Aviation Crisis

The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) engaged with representatives from numerous states and other international aviation associations over the past two weeks for the High-Level Conference on Covid-19 (HLCC) to support a harmonized restart of the air transport system. The central theme of “one vision for aviation recovery, resilience, and sustainability beyond the global pandemic” brought together states and industry. Global industry associations issued a joint statement supporting the commitment by ministers of transport and health to address the worldwide aviation crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.